‘Rani Sandalwood’ tributes loyal consumers with gold necklaces and household items worth Rs. 1 Million
Win a gold necklace and many more exciting gifts every week! The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC has launched yet another...
Win a gold necklace and many more exciting gifts every week! The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC has launched yet another...
Huawei recently announced its business results for the first three quarters of 2020. During this period, Huawei generated CNYv671.3 billion...
உலகளாவிய ஸ்மார்ட்போன் வர்த்தகநாமமான Huawei, அதன் சாதனங்கள் தடைகளின்றி வீட்டிலிருந்து வேலை செய்யும் (WFH) மற்றும் வீட்டிலிருந்து கற்கும் (LFH) அனுபவத்தை வழங்குவதற்கு தேவையான வரையறைகளை பூர்த்தி...
The 2019-2020 Huawei Asia Pacific ICT Competition, under the theme of "Connection, Glory, Future," successfully concluded on Wednesday. Institut Teknologi...
The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging on, threatening businesses as well as economies as it has brought unprecedented challenges that...
இலங்கையின் மிகவும் விரும்பப்படும் மொபைல் புரோட்பேண்ட் சேவையான HUTCH, அண்மையில் HUTCH 'தெனுமை மில்லியனையை' வெற்றியாளர்களுக்கு பரிசுகளை வழங்கி கௌரவித்திருந்ததுடன், இந்த மாபெரும் பரிசு வழங்கும் நிகழ்வு...
Ideal Motors Pvt Ltd மற்றும் அதன் துணை நிறுவனமான Ideal First Choice Pvt Ltd (Ideal Group இன் ஓர் அங்கம்) ஒரு இலவச...
Ideal Motors Pvt Ltd and its subsidiary Ideal First Choice Pvt Ltd (part of the Ideal Group of Companies) have...
By Krishan Thilakarathne Financial Inclusion is essential for continuous and sustainable economic development, according to IFC. This is no exception...
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ජංගම දුරකතන සන්නිවේදන සේවා සම්බන්ධයෙන් පාරිභෝගිකයින්ගේ ප්රියතම තේරීම වන හච්, ස්වකීය පාරිභෝගිකයින්ගේ දැනුම උරගාමින් පැවැත් වූ ්“හච් දැනුමයි...